Mission Board

The Mission Board was created by the updated By-laws in 2023 to serve the Congregation in an exciting way by coordinating its Ministry Teams towards implementing and achieving the Mission and Vision of the Congregation.

2025 DatesTopic of Meeting or Mission Meal / Collaboration Time Focus
Monday, January 27
MTN – Ministry Team Night kickoff
Ministry Team Night (MTN) Kick-off was a huge success with over 140 in attendance and about 40 of those were MTN first-timers!

Various teams used the format to collaborate with other teams by visiting other tables to ask a question or develop a new plan.
Monday, February 17
Mission Board meeting
Tentative Agenda:

Welcome and Opening Prayer (Leigh Turner, Mission Board Chair)
Ministerial/Children’s Ministry Interim Director News
(Dr. Lowe on sabbatical)
Executive Board Summary 
Tonight’s Focus:
Spending (Beth Jolly, Treasurer) & MTN Dishes/Leftovers

Big Rocks 2025

Ministry Spotlight: Celebration Donation, Donnie Grissom, Visitor Engagement Team

Mission Moment
Encouragement and Closing Prayer
Our Mission Board met on Monday evening.  We discussed some procedural items for 2025 but also learned about some clever new ways that we will live out our mission to Worship with Hope, Grow with Love, and Serve with a Passion for Justice in the coming year. 

One is a Celebration Donation that the Visitor Engagement Team is leading.  While more details will come soon, essentially first-time visitors who complete a Connection Card from the pew will be able to identify a Beargrass-affiliated charity with which $5 will be donated.  Again details of when this will begin and how it will proceed will be announced in the near future. 

You will also begin hearing from each Ministry Team as part of a Mission Moment during Worship beginning in March.  The intended purpose of the Mission Moment is to serve as our offering meditation during worship and help people who support the church understand the many ways that their giving makes a difference.

As Bob Gilewski often says, “it is a great day to be at Beargrass!”
Monday, March 172025 Big Rocks
Monday, April 28TBD
Monday, May 12TBD
Monday, June 16Budget Know-how w/ Finance Chair from Executive Board (Team Leaders version)
Monday, July 21Highlight team accomplishment(s)
Monday, August 18Ministry Fair planning
Monday, September 22Ministry Fair planningBudget Know-how (Ministry Teams Version)
Monday, October 20Revisit Big Rocks
Monday, November 17Wrapping up 2025→Looking ahead to 2026
Monday, December 15Celebrate 2025 and Leigh’s leadership during the first two years of the Mission Board

The Ministry Teams and their leaders are:

Children’s MinistrySarah Dotsey

Melissa Durham Terrianne Tremayne

Young Adult
Ken Barlow
Avery Travis
Adult MinistryKelly Haile
Library / HistoryLaurie Callander

Green Chalice
Nancy Kuppersmith
Win Wilde
Creative WorshipLaura Savatski
SacristyCharlie Grass
Multimedia (The “Stream Team”)Jay Sheldon
HospitalityJan Conry
Pastoral CareLesley Key
Health MinistryLee Scott
Evangelism/InvitationAlan Forsythe
Welcome DeskPam Deskins
New Member DevelopmentBrette Conliffe
Visitor EngagementDonnie Grissom

Farmers Market
Dale Mercker
Penny Peavler
Pedal PowerBob Callander

Ron Jones
Chris Rakestraw
Hands OnMatt Johnson
Mission SupportBob Gilewski
StewardshipJohn Richardson
TransportationAdrienne Sams

Learn more about the Mission Board by clicking here to visit beargrass.org