The Executive Board is the group that governs the business and affairs on behalf of the Congregation, making recommendations on matters that require approval through a Congregational vote, including:
- Annual operating budget;
- Congregational leaders that require election under these By-Laws;
- The calling of a Senior Minister;
- The acquisition of debt or property (or sale thereof) in excess of twenty percent (20%) of the amount of the annual budget.
2025 meeting dates:
January 7, 2025 (introductory)
Initial Agenda:
- Opening Prayer & Devotion
- Introductions & Ice Breakers
- Overview of Committees
- Overview of Mission Board
- Closing Prayer
The Executive Board conducted its introductory meeting for the year via Zoom due to the snow/ice storm. It provided the group (half of which is continuing from last year and half of which is new) a better chance to get to know one another better on an individual basis, and discuss specific items that they love about Beargrass and hope to see in 2025.
The members also received an overview of how the committees are shaping up for the year, along with the upcoming Mission Board event.
A preview of was provided so that the congregation has a potential new home for easily obtaining information about church leadership throughout the year.
Many members expressed an interest in growing the church, and an example was provided of how inviting a friend to like the Beargrass Facebook page has led to a new visitor.
All members were in attendance, except for Leigh Gillies who had a prior commitment. The Executive Board’s first official meeting of the year is scheduled for February 11.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025 at 5:30pm
- Opening devotion / Star Words
- Bylaws refresher and committee policies / approve updated procedures from January 2025 finance meeting
- Review and approve committee chairs/members and their 2025 progress
- Personnel / children’s ministry director search committee
- Discuss 2025 goals of transparency/communication and potential growth of small groups
- Other business
- Closing prayer
The Executive Board gathered once again by zoom due to wintry weather on February 11, 2025 at 5:30pm. All members were in attendance, and Deacon Kimberly Boden requested and was provided the zoom link so that she could also attend and observe. The meeting began with scripture and each person shared their “star word” and how it has informed their journey so far this year.
Prior to the meeting, board members had reviewed the by-laws and the proposed make up of the committees for the year, along with current committee policies, and those updated policies recently approved by finance. These items were discussed, and unanimous approval was given to the proposed members of the committees, along with their respective chairs (nominating – James Brown, risk management – Eric Farris, property – Bob Callander, and personnel – Jim Jackson). The board discussed each at-large member serving as a liaison to each of these committees to ensure good communication and transparency throughout.
Unanimous approval was also given to the recent updates to the finance policies on spending and credit card usage, along with the recommendation from property and finance to immediately replace both HVAC units above the sanctuary that have recently quit working. These were the original units from when the sanctuary was built approximatey 20 years ago.
An overview of historical and current cash positions were provided. While pledged income for 2025 is higher than it has ever been, our cash position is lower than it has been since COVID and receipt of pandemic-related funds. Reference was provided back to the Wimberly report at the turn of the decade and how focus needs to finally be put on maintaining a certain level of cash and building up adequate reserves.
Members acknowledged the recent loss of Scott, our beloved custodian. Personnel will be meeting soon, and the board will also be receiving variations of job descriptions to post concerning a permanent children’s director and to ensure continuity in all areas of our children’s programs.
Leigh Turner provided an update on behalf of the Mission Board, including the first successful meeting/dinner in January and the upcoming Mission Board meeting. Prior to a closing prayer of the three (3) hour meeting, discussion occurred regarding goals for the year, including ensuring communication to the congregation at large through tools such as a new central website for Beargrass members to quickly and easily access information (and make printed materials available in the office to those who prefer that method), along with a potential focus on small group sessions throughout the week to help promote Beargrass to new individuals and families. A special called meeting will occur on March 4, 2025 to discuss further support of Beargrass children ministries.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Tuesday, April 8, 2025 at 6pm
Tuesday, June 10, 2025 at 6pm
Tuesday, August 12, 2025 at 6pm
Tuesday, October 14, 2025 at 6pm
Tuesday, December 9, 2025 at 6pm
2025 Officers
Position | Name | Previous Office Holders: |
Executive Board Chair | Justin Key | As Executive Board Chair: John Richardson (2024)As Official Board Chair: Deb Rakestraw (2022-23), Bob Gilewski (2021-22), Alan Forsythe (2020-21)… |
Mission Board Chair | Leigh Turner | [New position] |
Treasurer | Beth Jolly | Justin Key (2024 – partial term), Leslie Geoghegan (2021-23), Audrey Roling (2020-21)… |
Deacon Chair | Nita James | Barb Hoover (2021-23) |
Elder Chair | Missy Aultman | Bruce Lott (2024), John Richardson (2021-22) |
At-Large (Year 1) | Terri Fowler | Doug Knight (2024), Wendell Townsend (2024) |
At-Large (Year 1) | Ryan Roling | |
At-Large (Year 2) | Maureen Johnson | |
At-Large (Year 2) | Leigh Gillies |