
Elder Sign-Up / Serving Schedule

Year 3
Term expiring 2025
Year 2
Term expiring 2026
Year 1
Term expiring 2027
Alice Beckham
Donna Knight
Eric Farris
Judy Snyder
Lesley Key
Mike Blackwell
Scott Wilhoit
Stacy DeCoste
Tim Jolly
Amy Barker
Charlie Grass
Chelsea Bennett
Chris Rakestraw
Dana Cantrell
Dave Sewell
Denise Hatfield
Don Ritter
Gerald Box
Janet Thomson
John Tremayne
Mike Skelton
Millicent Evans
Penny Peavler
Sarah Gold
Sherry Lanoie
Terri Fowler
Verle Heindselman
Allison Dawson
Barbara Decker Frye
Dale Curth
David Horn
Deb Rakestraw
Donna Duncan
Doug Dawson
James Brown
John Richardson
Judy Wright
Justin Key
Keith Wilson
Liz Robinson
Meg Blackwell
Mike Puckett
Missy Aultman
Nancy Kuppersmith
Ron Geoghegan
Ryan Roling
Liz Robinson
Sandy Thomas
Tara Holland

Click here for shepherding assignments

Covenant of an Elder.

Elders shall covenant to be responsible for the spiritual life and development of the Congregation by presiding at Communion, greeting and assimilating visitors into the Beargrass community, shepherding members of the Congregation, and generally supporting the ministers and other leaders regarding the care and spiritual life of the Congregation. An individual not fulfilling the requirements shall be removed as an Elder or Elder-at-Large upon a motion of the Elder Chair and a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Executive Board. 

Elder Council.

The Elder Council shall be assigned responsibilities for ensuring proper order and function of the above tasks. After each three (3) year term on the Elder Council, an Elder shall have a minimum of one (1) year leave before being re-considered for a new term on the Elder Council. 


Upon completion of a three (3) year term on the Elder Council, an Elder shall continue to serve as Elder-at-Large for the remainder of their Membership in the Congregation, so long as they remain in good standing and continue to meet the qualifications of an Elder.

Election of Elders.

Annually the Executive Board shall determine the appropriate number of new Elders to serve on the Elder Council by nominating individuals as Elder(s) for election by the Congregation.

Elder Chair.

The Executive Board shall nominate to the Congregation an Elder to serve as Elder Chair for a term of two (2) years, who shall not serve consecutive terms. The Elder Chair, who will serve on the Executive Board and the Mission Board (or appoint an alternative to the Mission Board) shall lead the Elder Council and ensure its members are actively meeting their responsibilities and expectations of service.

Elder Meetings

February 1, 2025 Brunch

Welcome by Missy Aultman, 2025 Elder Chair
Opening Prayer by Justin Key, 2025 Ex. Board Chair
2025 Elder Council
Elder Reflections
Elder Handbook Overview by Missy Aultman
Shepherding Lists & ideas
Sample Shepherding Introduction
Greeting, Praying & Serving
Questions, Closing Comments & Prayer by Missy Aultman

May 17, 2025