Standing Committees:
Finance Committee
- Beth Jolly (Treasurer)
- Shelly Grant (Staff – Beargrass Finance Director)
- Frank Farris
- Audrey Roling
- James Brown
- Leslie Geoghegan
- David Stanley
- Keith Wilson
- Rachel Spurlock
- Kevin DeCoste
- Justin Key (Executive Board Chair – ex officio)
- Dr. Trey Flowers (Senior Minister – ex officio without vote)
Click here to access the Guidelines for the Finance Committee
- Purchasing Policy (updated in 2025); do not hesitate to contact the office for a printed copy, or a copy of our present or former credit card policies
Meeting dates for Finance in 2025:
- January 29
- Work session began at 4pm with a majority of the committee present to assist Finance Director in making corrected journal entries for year end close (issue tracker updated to assist Finance Director between meetings)
- Official meeting began at 6pm; review of 2024 finances (subject to above corrections); concerning reserves, discuss need for reserve policy and touching base with DMLO; unanimous approval by committee to: #1 clear obsolete reserve accounts (except Library, Vehicle and Children’s Ministry); #2 merge General Reserve with Unrestricted Net Assets; #3 merge Memorial Reserve with Unrestricted Net Assets; and #4 reset Capital & Maintenance reserves; discuss plan/policy to rebuild reserves and to establish 60 days of cash policy
- Treasurer discusses goals for years and to continue supporting Finance Director, establish regular work sessions; real-time report to be provided to Ministry Teams for budget tracking purposes
- Discuss updated purchasing policy and requests, unanimous approval after suggested updates
- Discuss memo from Property Committee; defer until all quotes received on 2 HVAC units that are approximately 20 years old (following recent replacement of a third which was slightly newer)
- Unanimous approval to add line items for restricted and unrestricted cash; recommend prioritizing completion of pending audit with DMLO so that 2024 can be completed, and so updated financials can be provided to SYB for line of credit (current balance is zero)
- February 24 6pm
- Discussed how to account for December 2024 expenses through payables. Children’s programs and supplied were replenished with some December 2024 credit card transactions. Confirm Youth Reserve balance.
- Shelly will work with Doug Dawson to make sure all endowment documents are provided to DMLO as needed.
- Goal of sixty (60) days operating expenses and reserves would be at least $400,000. Options include increased giving, reducing expenses, utilizing line of credit.
- Discussion of how capital campaign and endowment fit into overall financial picture moving forward. Do we look at incorporating building up reserves in this campaign? Any interested members of finance will attend next capital campaign meeting.
- Finance recommends to modify gift policy and provide discretion so that monies are not unnecessarily directed to endowment when there are cash needs.
- March 24 6pm
- April 28 6pm
- May 19 6pm
- June 30 6pm
- July 28 6pm
- Wednesday, August 27 6pm
- Wednesday, September 24 6pm
- Wednesday, October 29 6pm
- Wednesday, November 19 6pm
Gifts Committee
- Endowment Board Chair (Frank Farris)
- Executive Board Chair (Justin Key)
- Treasurer (Beth Jolly)
- Mission Board Chair (Leigh Turner)
- Senior Minister (ex officio) (Dr. Trey Flowers)
Additional members can be appointed by these members if needed based on type of gift; this committee meets as needed and/or when gifts are received
Click here to access the Gifts policy approved in 2019.
Property Committee
- Bob Callander (chair)
- Jeremy Angermeier
- Joel Mize
- Terry Dick
- Jerry Bodine
Click here to access the Guidelines for the Property Committee approved in 2023
Meeting dates for Property in 2025:
- January 14 4pm
- All team members, other than David, were present for the meeting, plus Trey joined to add his thoughts on current and future property project status.
- Brief listing of the issues we discussed.
- 1. Column struck by snow plow last week: David will soon receive 2 to 3 estimates to make repairs. On receipt, he will authorize the work to be done immediately at the expense of the guilty driver.
- 2. Problems related to the recycling dumpster: several thoughts were offered to move this dumpster to a better location and to require future breakdown of all cardboard before disposal.
- 3. Condition of signs along Shelbyville Road: a range of options were discussed, from simply repainting the signs to total replacement.
- 4. High humidity in youth space and surrounding areas: existing problems are well known but finding a permanent solution will require more research.
- 5. HVAC thermostat settings and possible repairs: problems can be traced back to the original central computerized system. Lots of questions but no easy answers.
- 6. Sewage backup behind sanctuary: This could result in serious health issues due to the presence of black mold. David knows of the problem and believes it can be resolved by snaking the drain. He will do this asap.
- 7. Chapel remodel project: project is underway but far from complete. The Property Team recognized the importance of this project and offered to assist as needed.
- In addition, the Team requested a detailed and complete 2025 property budget to help us monitor costs and stay within the limits of cash restrictions.
- March 7
Nominating Committee
- James Brown (Chair)
- Missy Aultman (Elder Chair)
- Nita James (Deacon Chair)
- Four representatives from the Congregation who shall not be current members of the Executive Board (but shall be selected with the same criteria for the Nominating Committee)
- Justin Key (Executive Board Chair – ex-officio with vote)
- Leigh Turner (Mission Board Chair – ex-officio with vote)
- Dr. Trey Flowers, Senior Minister (or designee thereof; ex-officio with no voting privileges)
February 5, 2024
Final meeting of nominating task force led by Pam Deskins to formulate written policies of Youth Elders/Deacons and Deacon/Elder Emeriti
Personnel Committee
- Jim Jackson (chair)
- Alan Forsythe
- Linda Sewell
- Liz Robinson
February 25:
The personnel committee met on February 25 in the boardroom. Present were Jim Jackson, Liz Robinson, Linda Sewell, Alan Forsythe, Trey Flowers and Justin Key. The committee discussed ways to recognize employees of the church and help them feel supported by the congregation, including a self-care day on March 18 and the potential for Sunday School classes to “adopt” an employee to get to know them better and help provide support. Similarly, efforts should be made to promote the work of the personnel committee.
Following the recent loss of Scott, the committee discussed the importance of maintaining custodial help to ensure, for example, that bathrooms remain clean for members and visitors. Potential trouble attracting part-time help and discussing is ongoing with Centerstone about possibly sharing a custodian. Kelly Services will be added to the mix of HR solutions.
The committee was updated on the special called board meeting on March 4 to further the children programs and ministries of church, and the ongoing work of possibly posting a part-time and full-time position to see what talent can be attracted.
Throughout the discussion, attention was paid to the budget and making decisions that are financially responsible in addition to providing for the future of the church. Prior to a closing prayer, the committee discussed the importance of the quality of online streaming audio and the work of the multimedia team, and Justin and Alan agreed to meet with staff related to the chapel service given the status of that project.
Risk Management Committee
- Eric Farris (chair)
- Sylvia Quaye
- John Fischer
- Pat Carrico
- Jim Sams
- Mike Holton (officer)